3rd International Advanced Research Workshop on transformers - ARWtr2010, Santiago de Compostela (España). 03-06 octubre 2010
The biggest challenge of the FRA method is the development of algorithms for automatic assessment of the results. Different assessment algorithms have been proposed but the reliability of these methods is still questionable. The feasbility of reliable automatic assessment is addressed in this paper based on a review of the state-of-the-art of the existing algorithms. From this review it was found that an automatic assessment is feasiable using some of the existing methods, but not always reliable due to the limitations identified in this work. In order to overcome the limitations of the existing methods, in this work the requirements to be fulfilled by a reliable assessment are presented and a short overview to a tool called AIAFRA fulfilling such requirements is given.
Palabras clave: Frequency Response Analysis (FRA), Automatic Assessment, AIAFRA.
Fecha de publicación: 2010-10-03.
J.L. Velásquez Contreras, A. Hedgecock, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, S. Galceran Arellanos, Reliable and automatic assessment of the frequency response analysis of power transformers: is it feasible?, 3rd International Advanced Research Workshop on transformers - ARWtr2010, Santiago de Compostela (España). 03-06 octubre 2010.